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Gracie Barra Columbia Logo

128 E Nifong Blvd Suite E, Columbia, MO

Our Staff

Professor Fabio Lima

Head Instructor | Black Belt

Professor Fabio Lima is Head Instructor for Gracie Barra Columbia. Professor Fabio is a 3rd degree Black Belt with an amazing Jiu Jitsu lineage. Professor Fabio’s teacher is coral belt Master Carlos Liberi, whose teacher was Grand Master George Gracie. 


Professor Fabio owned his own GB school in Brazil, where he has taught thousands of students. Aside from this, he taught Jiu Jitsu to about 200 children a day at the local elementary school. Professor Fabio has a degree in Physical Education and a postgraduate degree in Sports Nutrition. He also taught personal training and spin classes, which he really enjoys. 


While learning and teaching at Master Liberi’s school, Professor Fabio was heavily influenced in self defense. Professor Fabio also believes strongly in teaching women’s self defense classes for the community. 


Professor Fabio loves to spend time with his wife Lais and son Theo. It’s rare to find him without a smile and he’s fun to be around. Both kids and adult students enjoy his teaching environment. Professor will be competing and training regularly and he hopes you will join him on the mats. 

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